Thursday, June 23, 2011

And then she goes and makes up for yesterday.

So even after I posted that picture yesterday Ruby continued to cry :( It was really bad, like maybe the worst day yet. Adam took the other kids out and came home with Just Dance 2 which I have been wanting for a very long time, but more importantly with Mylicon. I was unsuccessful giving it to her yesterday, but I have it now and I'm going to try again tonight if she gets psycho fussy again.

But then she woke up this morning in such a good mood! She was a little fixated on the camera, every time I tried to catch her smile she got all stone faced and stared at it. This was my third attempt.

(I couldn't upload a video for some reason, sorry)

I guess shes worth it. ;)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How was your Wednesday?

Clearly mine is a little loud.

Monday, June 20, 2011


The nice weather doesn't last long in this area so we're going to try to take advantage of the sunshine with the kids and takes lots of pictures. Here are some that we've taken so far...

Ruby does her best frog impression.

Ruby models her first cloth diaper.

Logan suspiciously drinks from his juice box.

The Bills next punter.