Here are some pictures from this year's District Convention. Riley and Logan were very well behaved and Ruby ended up being pretty cooperative too. We got a lot more out of the program than we thought possible with three little ones.

Here are the kids in the Hotel before the session. Logan is getting some breakfast.

Ruby was all smiles before the session Friday...then 10 minutes into the program she completely messed herself and me :( Thank goodness Aunt Shaunna was there with an extra dress for Rubes. I, on the other hand, had to go the whole day with baby poop on my skirt.

We used the Baby Bjorn a lot this weekend. We didn't even bring the stroller with us and I'm really glad. It would have been just another thing to keep track of.
Little Miss Ruby in the hotel room.

Note to self: Next year for Convention...stand up for a nice family photo! Oh well, at least we are all in it.
One more of the little stinker :)